Monday, November 19, 2007

I'm hoping love can hold onto me.

I feel like I have a quiet love for the Lord lately. I continue to have a strong heart for him to show himself to the world and for the growing amount of great friends I make to find fullness in Him. Stronger fire for such things than ever, really, and these fires should hopefully be continuously growing. There are also select saints in Nanaimo that I am also in constant prayer for, and several seem to be growing in great love for the Lord and stepping out in hard faith. Praise YHWH. My love for my saviour lately, however, has been more contemplative than anything, but I don't mind.
I've been thinking about obediant faith, and how vital it is for our souls. My session gets into several heated discussions over the conditions of continuted state of salvation, and the lead me more and more to believe that, without obediant faith, there is no salvation, no abundance of life. Without faith, we can only find death in darkness. With faith, however, we are the light of the world; not only shall we never walk in darkness, death looses it's sting to us, as it is only seen as an oppertunity to find new life.
My current meditative state, however, can not mend me of the morose nature with which I chose to act in previous days, although the Joy of the LORD comes with the morning, and it comes as my strength. A cause of this behavior can be be traced back to the last Biblical Interpretation class, as it ended suddenly and sadly. Those classes were my favorite I've probably ever taken. Or at least they are up with other life-aletering classes like Civ12, CompRel12 and Writing12. There are still some amazing things to be instructed here, though, and classes are continuing until Kettles begin on Dec.1.
Pray for my friends. All of them.
Also for me, if found neccesary.
I love you greatly, but I love the LORD more.



  1. lux said...

    that's awesome, it is great to hear how you are growing in your faith and love for the Lord....
    Pray for you and your session mates often.. and will continue to do so...
    I am glad that i got to meet you while i was over there...
    Lov ya..
    Abundant blessing.