Monday, February 19, 2007

I can't even make words right now

Where do I start?
War College.
I'm still not sure, or if I am I'm unsure about my surity. It was amazing, it was scary, it was confusing, it was intense, it was eye-opening.
It took me being there to realize how sheltered I am. I've never been in any enviroment half that intense. But I was so scared, and so uneasy and so in love with it.
Who knows.

This is where it stands. I could see myself at War College, and I plan on it. I just don't know when or how. Danae has trained me to take over Wild Truth. If I don't run Wild Truth next year, I don't see who will. Apperantly God has a plan or something.
Or so I''ve heard.

I was getting lines for a poem in my head today, but I didn't like them so much when I got them on paper. The only ones that stood out were

"And so I will dream dreams and mutter sacred sounds

And with soundless words and wordless sounds, I'll take hold of their lifeless arms"

In a side note, I miss my bestfriendship with you like mad.
I love you.


  1. Victory of the People said...

    ive been thinking about you.
    dont tell anyone.
    ok. tell everyone.