Thursday, November 09, 2006

Silence means He's listening, not abandoning

"I actually get frustrated when you don't update your blog"
-Kaite Lloyd.
(and I'm pretty sure that's not how to spell your name<3)

I'm sick. I hate being sick. I am waaaaay too busy to be sick. But this whole day of doing NOTHING was actually pretty nice.
Which leads me to the real problem, I really need to start dropping some of my "priorities".
I'm done with the grad committee and the Gym Riot.
I can probably hand over the Wellington School Bible study.
I can't loose the Hosanna Bible study or Wild Truth.
I need to be IN a Bible study, so I can't drop that.
Youth group I probably need to stick to.
It sucks that ALL of this is on the other side of towwwn.

I also need a job. Apperantly a really, really flexible job.

I love that since I couldn't make it to Hosanna, my girls just read my blog and watched Aaron White preach on youtube. They almost watched a Quest video,but they couldn't do it without me.
I just love those girls so damn much. Tiana, Jen and Keeley: you guys are a blessing and it is an honour for me to serve you and teach you. God's made it pretty clear that I can't leave town until I've invested all that I have into you. You're worried we won't have time, but you'll see. You'll be suprised, don't doubt Him.

I was reading/listening to some Bradley Hathaway today, I almost forgot how much I LOVE him. "Silence" really touched me today. Not because I feel especially disconnected from God, but because I needed to be reminded how important the consept of silence is wtith God. That I'm being too much like Martha when I should be more like Mary, rushing around and foresaking the time that should be spent in silence and reverance.

I'm going to go sleep and attempt NOT throwing up.
Grace and peace <3.