Thursday, February 12, 2009

This week for years.

I created this blog in 2006, and have remained -for the most part- faithful to regular posting since then. There is something both lame and relatively cool in that, as I can now look through archives and see what I posted on certain days.

This week in 2007 reads:

(Post-trip with Nicole to DTES)
War College.
I'm still not sure, or if I am I'm unsure about my surity. It was amazing, it was scary, it was confusing, it was intense, it was eye-opening.
It took me being there to realize how sheltered I am. I've never been in any environment half that intense. But I was so scared, and so uneasy and so in love with it.
Who knows. This is where it stands. I could see myself at War College, and I plan on it. I just don't know when or how.
(PS: I miss my bestfriendship with you like mad.)

One year later, this was my entry:

You alone are my comfort.
You alone are sturdy in my life.
If only there were some place where I could run from you! Some place where I, alone in my misery, might not be overwhelmed by your goodness. Some place where realities divide, and I need not believe truth which I know in the depths of me, but allow that which I see to comfort me.
Yet still I shall praise you, I hope I will know joy again.
You remain good. You remain patient. You remain unchanged.
Do not reject me while I flee from you because of my fear, father.
When I speak of forever why do I never see
You've already captured me.
I remain yours in my flight. I follow you even in my roaming.
You are the one constant in my life.
Be patient with me, O Merciful One.

I am encouraged by my growth, though unsettled by my repetitive stumbling.
He has grace and patience for me, and I am ever being made more like Him.