Friday, October 03, 2008



For the week prior to departure for Camp Sunrise, the etiquette is as follows:

• All typing referring to Camp Sunrise must be done in only capitalized letters.
This includes but is not limited to; memories of previous year’s camps, plans made for this years camp, and discussing kit list.
• All clothing designated for Sunrise use must be laundered during this seven day period, no earlier.
• Any spoken conversation regarding Camp Sunrise must be done so in raised voices only. NO EXCEPTIONS aside from libraries, or while near babies’ cribs and sleeping parents.
• In a situation in which Camp Sunrise is being discussed, one may not compare Camp Sunrise to any previously visited camps, unless the sentence you are using is unveiling the awesomeness of Camp Sunrise compared to these sub par Camping Facilities.

For the 24 hour period before departing from Town of Residence, the rules are as follows:

• Any typing at all must be done in capital letters ONLY. This includes, but is not limited to, MSN conversations, emails to elderly grandparents, URLS, display names and search engine key phrases. To make this rule easier to apply, one might duct tape their caps lock key down at all times, or remove the key from the keyboard entirely, to avoid temptation.
• All conversation WHATSOEVER must be done so in raised voices, except in the afore mentioned places.
• This period should be used for tasks such as: arranging transportation to ferry terminal (#2 bus or parent very helpful), packing designated kit list items into designated suitcase, enjoying ones last private shower, making all other acquaintances jealous that they are not also going to Camp Sunrise.

For the 3.5 hour ferry rides you will be undertaking, we have constructed the following rules:

• One might want to make sure that they listen to Shawn’s initial instruction of where we should meet once boarded the ferry. (We’ve got your back Shawn)
• On the ferry ride leaving camp, it is HIGHLY encouraged to congregate amongst Sunrise peers and partake in the jovial singing of Camp Sunrise favorites, including but not limited to: D-I-S-C-O, The (Stupid) Squirrel Song, All 3 Camp Sunrise Theme Songs and last but certainly not least, the classic Baby Shark melody. (Remember: The louder, the better! We want the whole ferry to be entranced with your angelic voices.)

A Word About Packing:
• Though it has been highly debated in previous years, GUMBOOTS are most definitely a constant necessity. We cannot stress this enough, people!
Though they may not lend use in the traditional form, they make excellent hand baskets and are useful in the packing process. (ie: Holding socks and other small articles.)

Following these rules provided shall assist you in experiencing optimum Camp Sunrise enjoyment.
If one comes up with a new rule, they are encouraged to speak with one of us, and we shall bring it up with the committee, concerning it’s place on this hallowed list.

Your diligent Camp Sunrise Aficionados,
Caitlyn Spence and Molly Woodford


  1. Mahala Sarah Woodford said...

    Haha wow. Good times. I was deeply remorsed that summer, however, upon discovering that only, like, 5 youth brought gumboots, and we only wore them once. Tragic. But a grand experience nonetheless. Even though I spent the entire time texting Michelle and you ran away. Ah well.