Saturday, February 16, 2008

these dark skies remember your ocean eyes

My emotions are like some sort of sickness. Lord, when will I stop being tormented by time worn wounds? When will the hurt cease its dull ache and the healing break forth?
I believe this cycle must break eventually.
I have little hope on nights such as these.
God is good. I will always remember that God is always good.
Will you cover me, will you comfort me?
You alone are my comfort.
You alone are sturdy in my life.
If only there were some place where I could run from you! Some place where I, alone in my misery, might not be overwhelmed by your goodness. Some place where realities divide, and I need not believe truth which I know in the depths of me, but allow that which I see to comfort me.
Yet still I shall praise you, I hope I will know joy again.
You remain good. You remain patient. You remain unchanged.
Do not reject me while I flee from you because of my fear, father.
When I speak of forever why do I never see
You've already captured me.
I remain yours in my flight. I follow you even in my roaming.
You are the one constant in my life.
Be patient with me, O Merciful One.