Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Come home on the weekend forever.

Youth Councils was something, though if I could go back, I know the things I'd do differently and the things I would or wouldn't say. Those things aside, however, God was there and spoke and that's what matters.
We recently had an assignment to draw what God said our shield of faith looked like. And though mine is kind of hard to explain, the main message is clear: if we feed into the fruit of the spirit, no arrow of satan can touch us. Because I allow my fruit to rot, more lies can make their way into me. The fruit of the Spirit should flourish within us, covering us with a bush of blooms and blossoms, extinguishing the fiery arrows of the evil one and sending fourth the sweet aroma that should draw others to the orchard of the living God. And the fruit are all one, right? You can't have all but one.
Truly, the reason I have so many lies in my life is because I so often chose misery instead of joy. Misery is comfortable and easy, it makes easy living and asks for no true sacrifice or attempt on my part. And, like Joy, misery is a mindset, a world view, a decision. Just like joy, you have to chose misery. You have to put it over your eyes in the morning and bind it around your neck while you sleep. You have to chose to respond to situations bleakly.
Except that it's not just choosing optimism or pessimism, it's choosing life or death. I choose death when I choose misery over joy, when I chose disobedience instead of discipline, when I let conflict reside in my heart instead of peace. And because of these decisions, my fruit rots. I lose my hedge of protection. I have less and less defense against inflamed arrows and more and more lies and attack to contend against.
Today, I chose joy. Today I chose life. I write it on the tablet of my heart and allow it to break forth from me like the dawn.
Today I concern myself with all thing true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy. These things only.
(P.S. pray about my spring break)
(P.P.S I'm in love with my sessionmates)


  1. lux said...

    praying for you. Praising God, that He is showing/revealing/teaching you about things. He loves you heaps, continue to seek after Him, and allow Him to work in you.
    I pray God's glory and joy would flow through you.
    Love you mate.