Monday, January 15, 2007

Lace up your shoes with readiness and peace

Okay, let's throw this down, starting from the bottem up.
I'm usually complaining or worrying about my foundation, whether I'm strong enough built on more rock than sand.

Ephesians 6
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

So my foundation (feet) needs to be built on readiness and peace that I am given through the gospel. I think the two need eachother. Being ready means anticipating, waiting and the ability to start the second you're called. Peace means an assurance that whatever you're waiting for, will come. The achievemnt of both states of mind and being are found by chewing up the gospel.
What do I need to be ready for? God's plan for me and my life. I need to stop assuming and guessing. I need to start living my life minute to minute, doing what I can for God as the seconds pass and seeking the kingdom. In all ways, know him and acknowledge him and he'll straighten my path.
Why do I need peace? Because I stress all over the place! Duh! Because I need peace in the assurance of my salvation (thank God for grace!) and peace in the assurance of God's plan for me.
Well, he's told me he's got a plan in several ways, I need to stop forgetting.
Taylor Craig wrote a prophetic poem over me months ago. It's one that's been a constant blessing to both of our lives.

A girl once told me;
"It feels like my life is unraveling."

They do that now and then.
Lives unravel now and then.
There's not really a warranty on them.
If you go to Zellers, or Wal-Mart or somewhere.
There's always some sort of return deal.
In store credit, or cash back if you're lucky.
But there's not when it comes to life.
Which is strange you know?
Life is a gift.
Strung together by these infinitesimally small pieces that some Almighty created.
Some know-it-all, made-it-all kind of being created you, and I, and us.
And gave us to us, and our lives to us, as a gift.
And normally gifts have the best exchange rates.
But life doesn't.
Otherwise I'd return mine. Just send it back to this God by whatever means.
But you'd get nothing in return.
Emptiness just brings more emptiness.
And there's no answer to unhappiness, no earthy answer to unhappiness.
The policy is free buys nothing more.
And we kind of work with what we have.

Now you're asking:
But this Guy created us,
and wanted us to be happy.
And if this man, He,
took life and molded me,
and just wanted us to be happy;
Then how is it that out of all of these insecurities,
and day to day unsurities,
and the little pieces of life that should all fall together so easily,
but just don't because life is so much harder than it seems,
He excepts us to fall to our knees,
and worship him?

And is he really in control of my life.
I need a sign,
some reassurance from God divine
just to prove that he spends some time
thinking things through
and making sure that in all our lives
and from day to day the things we do
are not in vain and not unorganized.
And some how our dreams we dream, in spite of it all come true.

I told that girl.
Who had a name, but I fail to mention it here.
That girl.
God made you not to live in fear of tomorrow.
Or where you will be in one year or ten years.
But to live life to the full today,
and know that it is him who will say,
and has said,
"When you rest in me,
I will take away all of your tears."

And he means it.

By those words, which Taylor and I both believe were given to us by our God, and the divine Holy Bible, I'll find peace and readiness.
I need to get off of this unstable sand, and find the rock that'll outlast the storm.

Peace and grace.


  1. Anonymous said...

    bang on!

    The Lord is teaching me peace too.

    The foundations thing...yup. You got it.

    Read my blog from a couple days ago.

    I think we are listening to the same God.