Tuesday, January 02, 2007

if this is love, the fairytales never came true.

I hate demons, and I sure hate lust.
Lust seems to be how the dumb devil is making grabs at my loved ones (and myself) lately.
I'm really seeing the reason we're not supposed to let ourselves be unequally yoked, it's useless. When I'm bummed or feel particularly attacked, I go to the people I trust most. My best friends, my mentors, my comforters. What I usually need from those people is a slap on the side of the head and for them to yell "Jesus LOVES you!" into my face over and over until I get it, until I remember the price my Saviour paid for me. Now, if I had a boyfriend or something enter into the equation, I can't even imagine not being able to receive that reminder from him. I could never be in a relationship without the bond of the Holy Spirit. I think that, when you've that THAT person, the one you love like no one else, they should be your everything. Your best friend, your mentor, your student, your teacher, the person you laugh with and the shoulder you cry on. If you need to go anyone else for one of those things, I think something is missing. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that the only reason that you chose to have best friends after finding the love that God made for you in another person is because you enjoy their company so much, not because they have something your significant other doesn't.
I have to stop preparing to settle for less, I can wait.
I have faith in God's love for my friends, and I know a lot of them have already seen the conviction they needed, to learn that porn is stupid, sex is for husbands and wives, waiting is worth it and that not having a boyfriend doesn't mean you're not worth loving.
We all need to start seeing ourselves through God's eyes, not through our boy/girlfriends.

I love you.

Grace, peace and an assurance that you are LOVED be yours in ABUNDANCE.


  1. Anonymous said...

    "sex is for husbands and wives, waiting is worth it"
    Just a question...was this meant for my current situation? lol

  2. Anonymous said...


  3. Anonymous said...

    You are so cool. Love this.