Saturday, December 09, 2006

What picture did Nasa take?

So yesterday was long. spent a lot of hours on Gabriola Island, and missed the band I went to see because I had to catch the last ferry. It's okay, I just love seeing Gabriola Kids.
My back hurts like crazy from 15 hours of heavy backpack and standing yesterday, and I'll go do some stretches and stuff after this to loosen it up.
I don't have much to say of significance, Hosanna was great on Thursday and I had the honour to talk out a lot of the stuff I've been studying about our ties to Judaism.
I have tickets to this thing tonight, a presentation of Mozart's Messiah. I'm stoked, but I need to find someone else who would be interested enough in going.
I'm okay, God is good.

Peace and grace <3

(props to Hosanna Jen for posting one of my poems in her nexoblog without even telling me and making my day, by the way)