Monday, November 27, 2006

Flohiem Regime

So there is snow EVERYWHERE. Which is tough, because I have nothing to wear for such circumstances. My slip on shoes and Cons arn't exactly winter-compatible footware. I'll live, in numerous layers of pajamas.
For christmas, I'm pretty much expecting stuff off of and CDs, which I don't hate.
Christmas is going to be awkward, with the whole having a Jehovah's Witness dad thing. I think how it's going is that we're going away and he's staying here. His call.

There's not a whole lot worth writing about, I don't think.
Stuff I'm looking forward to:
Religions Field Trip: Dec. 7th-Victoria Synagog+Roman Catholic Cathedral (Victoria friends: come have lunch with me!)
Spoken word: Dec. 8th- Caitlyn performs some of her spoken word poetry and prose at Wellington Secondary School!
Taylor Craig's birthday weekend: Dec 16-17- sleeeeepoverrrr
: Dec 18-Duncan, The Oasis Church Cowichan Camp
War College Trip: Dec ? Carlye+Nicole+Caitlyn go on an adventure to the War College!
Full Circle Sermon: May 27th - Caitlyn Preaches the whole sermon at Full Circle!