Friday, October 20, 2006

Who says emo-core? People don't say emo-core.

Okay, I'm praying for big things.
BIG things.
I'm not down with moderatly-sized things, or slightly-above-average things or even somewhat large things. I want herds-of-elephants big. I want camp to get freakin soaked in Holy Spirit (but preferably not rain. your call, God).
I want God's hand to weigh down on us so hard we can barely stand and we can't speak because our voices are pushed somewhere below our hearts.
I want Holiness to flood, I want Hope to pour, I want Love to crush us.
I want us to be left in bewilderment, looking towards the sky and asking how God is capable of such a amzing things and to be left in a state or reverance and awe.
I want Revolution, I want Revival, I want all of the things that the Salvation Army was built to represent but have seemingly been lost over time and broken tents.
I want to see His Glory shining on the hands of teenagers and leaders alike.
I just want this all so baad.

Camp= 16 hours

Victory of the People said...
ya know startin'er up...usually mean to keep it started!
haha lol

You know what, Nicole Brindle?
I don't need your sass.