Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sometimes sleep feels like prison

I've never been an espesially patient person, honestly. And these quiet Saturday nights are the worst.
I mean, the blankets and movies and homework are all fine and good, but the feeling that, at this moment, hundreds of thousands of people DON'T know God renders me feeling useless.
And I'm probably holding myself back, just that I'm not out of school doesn't mean that I can't get anything done. It just sure feels like it. I want to move out, I want to bust out and do this. I'm damn scared, but I want to do this.
I really don't think God wants me to be wasting my time on the computer right now. I'm going on a prayer walk or something.
I also need to be given my children's story for tomorrow. So I should probably be spending some time being quiet and waiting for that.