Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Accepting Erosion" - first draft

I wrote this during Kneedrill tonight, there's a lot of story and thought behind it - I'll post on it soon.

I am small.
You, crashing around me
rolling over me in the morning tides
I hear nothing but the
submission of the sands
feel nothing but the
heartbeat of the waves crashing against my
small, weak, delicate and
ultimately insignificant
You, enveloping my self and
urging me to break into
the bigness that -itself- overwhelms

I, like the rocks upon which I stand,
will give way to the relentless waves.
and You, great Rescuer, will search
for me amongst the sands
Sweep me up and let the
current rush me from this
simple, safe and ultimately destructive


  1. Denise said...

    Ok, I will admit that I am not a fan of poetry - never have been. However, as it feels deep inside that this is from a place of desperation and calling, I definitely enjoyed reading it.
    "You, enveloping myself and URGING me to BREAK into the bigness that -itself- overwhelms me."

    Some key words there, girlie.
    Looking forward to seeing this fullness in your life. =)