Friday, February 29, 2008

Of "The Staff Review" of William Booth regarding the revelation of love in the atonement.

1. We must hold on to the Doctrine of the Atonement because of the marvellous revelation it affords of the love of God to man.
  • i. You have the revelation of love that love in the Creation. The provision made for Man's health and happiness.
  • ii. You have revelation of that love in Providence. All things work together for our good. Our not understanding why things that appear opposed to our welfare come to us does not disprove this fact.
  • iii. You have the revelation of that love in the Bible. Who would ever have dreamed of many of the things we know about God if they had not been there revealed?
  • iv. You have the revelation of that love in Grace. Grace is the sign of the infinite compassion, love and beauty of God in the conversion, sanctification, preservation and utilization of His people, and in their final triumph over Death and Hell.
But, in Christ, in His hanging, dying, on the cross we have a manifestation of the heart of love which has made all this possible, and which, in importance, far transcends it all.