Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rock bottom's where we live, and still we dig these trenches

Our God comes and will not be silent.
-Psalm 50:3

Psalm 50:3 has always been one of my absolute favorite verses. It's often the one I should out during worship or as a Gospel Shot. Not for any particular reason, I suppose. I love the proclamation of "Our God", because I like to remember that my Lord is a Lord to many, that my faith is the savior of more than myself. I love that he comes. I love that he is impossible to stop, to shut up.
This weekend I was meditating on it at History Maker (somewhere with 4000 kids screaming praise is a good place to meditate on the loudness of God) and a whole other meaning of the scripture was revealed to me.

Our God came so that the noise we'd muffled would be loud.

Jesus came for a lot of reasons. Mainly because there are a lot of reasons that we needed Him to. While he was here, he just wouldn't stop hanging out with the voiceless, because they needed to be spoken for. Because there's a reason they had no voices, we'd put muffles on them. We heard their cries, their complaint, their mourning, their pain and you put one hand over their mouth while the other was reaching to God in the sanctuary.
So Jesus came and started crying out with the poor, with the unheard. And His voice was not one so easily unheard. He would not be silent.

And out God comes again, in the form of the Holy Spirit, in us. When Jesus came, he went to the poor and made sure they were heard. When the Spirit is in us, chances are it wants to do the same.

The people who are silenced are usually the ones who were screaming the loudest and were shushed. But our God will not be silent.

We are to be a voice crying out in the wilderness, because God is in us, and the shushed places need Him crying out loud.

I don't know if it makes as much sense in here as it does in my head.
