Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Christ who walks on wounded feet

Like, not even kinda sick. Want to DIE sick. My skin feels like it should be ripped off and my nasal passages removed forcefully from my anatomy.
Not that I'm complaining, or anything.

Wild Truth went pretty well tonight, I thought it went well for the first time I ever ran it. I could have done a lot better if I hadn't lost the schedual like, days ago. Carlye will do much better than I did. I went despite my insane cold/flu thing from some other world.

Hosanna tomorrow with the addition of Mary Alexander. Something is going to happen tomorrow, someone is going to pray out loud. The girls have been incredible with reading their Bibles this week, I can tell because almost every day I get a phone call from one of them saying "Hey, you know in (insert book) where it says (insert verse), what are they talking about?" I love them so much.

I'm currantly reading This Means War by Chick Yuill and I think I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It's weird, because I'm certainly enjoying the content. A lot of the things that I've always believed and understood for some reason are being confirmed and there's some really neat insight. However, It's not exactly my kind of writing style. I'm a poetic prose kind of person. But I like how it's broken up into such small sections. Chick (or his editor) must understand how overwhelming he can write.

FAYTENE KRYSKOW IS PREACHING IN NANAIMO! and you better BELIEVE I'm stoked. I haven't seen her preach since I feel in love with her at Consumed '06 in Courtaney. So stoked. I love herrr. Heather Skwarczinski had BETTER be going. April 20-12 at Maranatha, bayybeee. $35.

I finally submitted my War College application today. I want to be there. I want to be an incindiary session member. I want God's will for me more than I want my own, though. His call.

I'm going to bed, I can't believe I stayed up long enough to type this.
I hope I feel better by tomorrow.

Grace, namaste.
And I love You.



  1. Victory of the People said...

    i love you!
    we should chill or soemthing sometime soon

  2. Shayna said...

    I need to talk to you

    I'm seriously falling apart.