Monday, October 23, 2006

And the poison is breaking our skin

This is huge.
I don't know if you realize how huge this is. I only just did now.
You don't even realize what a burden the money I'd need to move to Victoria was on my heart, and how scared I was of messing up on supporting myself. I've never done it before.
You don't even realize that saving money is what was holding me back from the War College or the Battle School.
You don't even know how much this means.
Taylor, we need to pray and fast this, because if this is God's will of you for me, my life is gonna get freaking turned upside down. There will be social consequence for these actions.

On the second day at camp, I realized how stumbled I was getting by my constant worrying of what God's path for me was after I graduate. Working at camp? War College? Battle School? Victoria? Booth College? How will I be able to financially support any of this? What if I take the path I want and miss my chance to do what God wants?
I was getting hung up on the future.
But seek first the kingdom, right? I'm gonna live my life, running as far as I can in the time allotted each day to spread the Spirit and advance the Kingdom as fast and far as I can.
And I'm gonna go day by day and let Him reveal His plans as we go.
I realized all of this at around the same time that Taylor started believe that God wanted him to pay for my living in Victoria. He just told me tonight.
See how faithful God is?!
So how he stays to his word?!
I'm seeking Him and he reveals things like this to me.
He's so Good.
So good.
He will never leave us nor foresake us.

I'll live for today and focus putting on my armor on keeping myself holy unto Him and he'll tell me what to do when I'm done being made ready.

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you"
-Joshua 3:5



  1. Victory of the People said...

    thats right!!!

    not my will but your will be done.

    God will show you where to go. Keep focused on him.

  2. Artemis said...

    Hey Caitlyn. Always follow Gods will and you'll go far. He told me to go to battle school this summer. I cant afford it on the other hand, but he just said "do it and worry about the costs later"